writedlm 怎么格式化输出,比如,数字的话,只输出固定的位数。我看文档里好像没有
help?> writedlm
search: writedlm
writedlm(f, A, delim='\t'; opts)
Write A (a vector, matrix, or an iterable collection of iterable rows) as text to f (either a
filename string or an IO stream) using the given delimiter delim (which defaults to tab, but can
be any printable Julia object, typically a Char or AbstractString).
For example, two vectors x and y of the same length can be written as two columns of
tab-delimited text to f by either writedlm(f, [x y]) or by writedlm(f, zip(x, y)).
julia> using DelimitedFiles
julia> x = [1; 2; 3; 4];
julia> y = [5; 6; 7; 8];
julia> open("delim_file.txt", "w") do io
writedlm(io, [x y])
julia> readdlm("delim_file.txt", '\t', Int, '\n')
4×2 Array{Int64,2}:
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
julia> rm("delim_file.txt")