函数名带 `!` 的函数修改参数一定是 in place 的么?

review juliabox 的教程时看到中文这边这样说:

原地修改与非原地修改函数(Mutating vs. non-mutating functions)

约定:函数名以 ! 结束的原地修改传入的变量,函数名非以 ! 结束的则不会改变传入的变量。
Pollish up chinese translation (intro2jl-short) by inkydragon · Pull Request #63 · JuliaAcademy/JuliaTutorials · GitHub


Mutating vs. non-mutating functions
By convention, functions followed by ! alter their contents and functions lacking ! do not.

in place 时以前的译者自己加的,不过听起来有点道理,这样做不就是为了快么。


Functions that modify their inputs have names that end in !. These
functions are sometimes called mutating functions or in-place functions.

这个 cheatsheet 也提到了这一点

搜了一下源码,看很多文档里都直接把带 ! 的函数叫做 in-place 的函数。

    ldiv!(Y, A, B) -> Y

Compute `A \\ B` in-place and store the result in `Y`, returning the result.

# swap columns i and j of a, in-place
function swapcols!(a::AbstractMatrix, i, j)

# like permute!! applied to each row of a, in-place in a (overwriting p).
function permutecols!!(a::AbstractMatrix, p::AbstractVector{<:Integer})

    shuffle!([rng=GLOBAL_RNG,] v::AbstractArray)

In-place version of [`shuffle`](@ref): randomly permute `v` in-place,

    rmul!(A::AbstractArray, b::Number)

Scale an array `A` by a scalar `b` overwriting `A` in-place.  Use
