怎么编译一个julia脚本?how to compile a julia script?

怎么编译一个julia脚本?how to compile a julia script?

操作系统win7 julia 1.5.2

  1. Win7 属于 tier 3 support

Tier 3: Julia may or may not build. If it does, it is unlikely to pass tests. Binaries may be available in some cases. When they are, they should be considered experimental. Ongoing support is dependent on community efforts.

  1. Julia 的编译是自动进行的

  2. 如果需要预编译的话,那么需要将代码包装成模块

参见 https://julialang.github.io/PackageCompiler.jl/dev/。另外,像楼上指出的那样,win7不保证能用,可能的情况换到win10或linux等。