仓库地址 GitHub - jiangzhuochi/jupyter-JuliaFormatter: JuliaFormatter for Jupyter Notebook
2022.11.3 更新:现在支持配置文件 Configuration File
须和当前 .ipynb
Support configuration files, .JuliaFormatter.toml
must be the same as the current .ipynb
file is in the same directory
JuliaFormatter for Jupyter Notebook
在 Jupyter Notebook 中使用 JuliaFormatter 格式化 Julia
前置条件 pre-requisites
of course, you must have some of the corresponding packages installed:
add JuliaFormatter
add JSON
安装 Installation
jupyter nbextension install https://github.com/jiangzhuochi/jupyter-JuliaFormatter/archive/main.zip --user
jupyter nbextension enable jupyter-JuliaFormatter-main/jupyter-JuliaFormatter
功能 Features
工具栏按钮(点击格式化当前代码单元,按住 Shift 点击格式化全部代码单元)
格式化整个代码单元的快捷键:Alt-Shift-F,Mac:Option-Shift-F,与 vscode 格式化快捷键相同
a toolbar button
a keyboard shortcut for reformatting the current code-cell (default: Alt-F, Mac: Option-F)
a keyboard shortcut for reformatting whole code-cells (default: Alt-Shift-F, Mac: Option-Shift-F, Same as vscode format shortcut)
配置文件 Configuration File
须和当前 .ipynb
Support configuration files, .JuliaFormatter.toml
must be the same as the current .ipynb
file is in the same directory
自定义快捷键 Customize shortcut keys
在 /tree#nbextensions_configurator 中搜索 julia 搜到本插件,下方可以进行配置快捷键
You can then open the nbextensions tab on the tree (dashboard/file browser) notebook page to configure nbextensions. You will have access there to a dashboard where extensions can be enabled/disabled via checkboxes. Additionally a short documentation for each extension is displayed, and configuration options are presented.