最近在使用github上用julia编写的一个程序,详见GitHub - jordiabante/CpelAsm.jl: Julia module to perform haplotype allele-specific DNA methylation analysis.
using CpelAsm
b1 = "/public/home/sjbxzpf/test/h1.bam"
b2 = "/public/home/sjbxzpf/test/h2.bam"
fa = "/public/home/sjbxzpf/test/merged.fa"
vcf = "/public/home/sjbxzpf/test/GSM1204461_1.vcf"
out = "/public/home/sjbxzpf/test/out/"
run_analysis(b1, b2, b1, vcf, fa, out; win_exp=10, n_null=1000, cov_ths=5)
“Note, however, that the clear superiority of the CPEL method over existing methods comes at a substantial computational cost (it took about 48 hours using 20 CPUs to process one WGBS sample in the real data), which necessitates the use of parallel processing using a computer cluster.”
using Distributed # For parallelization
using SharedArrays # For parallelization