"@staticfloat" 在上海聚会

大家好。 我的名字是Elliot Saba,我的GitHub用户名是 @staticfloat。我在访问上海!想看看有没有人有兴趣在上海地区分享一下Julia的经验? 我的中文不是很好,可是我很希望和大家谈论彼此与Julia的经验,你们使用Julia的用途以及遇到的问题,特别是下载时与其他技术问题或GFW的问题。 我将在上海直到11月22日,期待与你们见面交流!

Hello, everybody. My name is Elliot Saba, I’m @staticfloat on GitHub, and I’m visiting Shanghai for the next couple of weeks! Is there anyone who is interested in meeting up to talk about Julia in the Shanghai area? My Chinese is not very good, but I am happy to meet with anyone who wants to talk about their experiences with Julia, what they use Julia for, and what issues they are running into, especially issues with downloads or other technical issues due to the GFW. I will be in Shanghai until November 22nd. I look forward to meeting you all!

4 个赞

Welcome to China! :dolphin: :cn:


Hi, I could buy you a cup of coffee and talk with you at some time if you like.

Feel free to contact me.

P.S. I did not find anywhere in this forum to send direct messages to a user.

Thanks for your generous help guys. New lesson learned!


Anyone can host a meetup in Shanghai? I can help with it.